

Posted by Richard Clegg

Nonprofit volunteers that serve on boards are the backbone of the organization. They offer invaluable guidance, support, and resources. While most new board member orientations cover fundamental responsibilities, a recent interaction with a CEO candidate in one of my executive searches highlighted a powerful framework for maximizing board impact.

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Topics: Board Development, Fundraising, Board Management, Inspiration, Board Leadership, Donor Prospect, Execution, Communication, Cultivation, Appreciation, Development, Donor, Attitude, Potential, Resource Development, Donor Identification, Leadership & Boards, board governance


Posted by Alison Hansen

Let’s face it: asking board members to help with fundraising can feel as awkward as teaching your parents how to use TikTok. But it doesn’t have to be! With the right mix of clarity, support, and a dash of good humor, you can turn even the most hesitant board member into a fundraising champion.

A board’s role in fundraising is critical because it sets the tone, drives the strategy, and shows everyone else how it’s done. Board members bring credibility, connections, and leadership that no staff member or volunteer can fully replicate.

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Topics: Capital Campaign, Board Development, Donation, Fundraising, Culture Of Philanthrophy, Board Management, Inspiration, Board Leadership, Donor Prospect, Capital Fundraising, Fund Development, Communication, Cultivation, Appreciation, Development, Donor, Attitude, Potential, Resource Development, Donor Identification, Leadership & Boards


Posted by Lora Dow

For leaders of mission-driven organizations, keeping a hopeful attitude is critical to meeting the inevitable challenges that arise. But how do you keep your attitude positive when things aren’t going your way?

In “Imaginable” by Jane McGonigal, the author introduces the concept of “urgent optimism.” In this state of mind, it’s possible to be realistic about the issues and risks ahead, while also keeping an open eye and heart as to how you can help to solve those issues and address the risks.

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Topics: Collaborations, Book Club, Donation, Fundraising, Goal Setting, Goals, Culture Of Philanthrophy, Fundraising Management, Inspiration, Capital Fundraising, Communication, Appreciation, Development, Donor, Online Giving, Attitude, Happiness, Potential


Posted by Gary Laermer

When setting fundraising goals—whether for annual contributed revenue or a multi-year campaign—many organizations default to looking at past performance. But here’s the thing: basing your goals only on what’s been done before can be limiting.

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Topics: Capital Campaign, Donor Stewardship, Donation, Fundraising, Goal Setting, Campaign Leadership, Goals, Financial Development, Fundraising Management, Capital Fundraising, Fund Development, Communication, Development, Campaign Planning, Making The Case, Making The Ask, Donor, Online Giving, Donor Advised Funds, CelebratingOurClients


If you’ve been putting off implementing a strategy to secure gifts from donor-advised funds, let this be the year that changes that. Why? The numbers are too big to ignore.

  • Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) contributions represent 8% of all donations in the USA.
  • Total Assets in DAFs in 2023 was $251.52B
  • Total Value of Grants made by DAF fundholders in 2023 was $54.77B
  • Total Value of Contributions made to DAFs in 2023 was $59.43B
  • Average DAF Account size in 2023 was $141,120
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Topics: Capital Campaign, Donor Stewardship, Donation, Fundraising, Major Gifts, Financial Development, Annual, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Capital Fundraising, Fund Development, Communication, Cultivation, Development, Campaign Planning, Making The Case, Making The Ask, Donor, Online Giving, Donor Advised Funds


Posted by Bruce Berglund

As we turn the page on the calendar and step into a new year, nonprofit leaders everywhere are greeted with a world of opportunity. The new year is more than just a fresh start; it’s a chance to reflect, reimagine, and reignite our passion for the causes we serve.

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Topics: Leadership, Donor Stewardship, Stewardship, Fundraising, Gratitude, Annual Campaign, Goals, Donor Love, Vision, Donor Relations, Fund Development, Fundraising Campaign, Execution, Communication, Cultivation, Development, Campaign Planning, Donor


Posted by Bruce Berglund

The time between Thanksgiving and year-end offers a prime window for fundraising, as people often feel a heightened sense of generosity and motivation to support causes they care about. This season can be a tremendous opportunity to engage donors, share your mission’s impact, and inspire end-of-year contributions. Here are some practical fundraising strategies and tactics to maximize your campaign success during this season:

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Topics: Donor Cultivation, Fundraising, Asking, Donor Communications, Change, Strategy, Best of DBD, Year-End Giving, Fund Development, Fundraising Campaign, Year-End, Communication, Planned Giving, Development, Campaign Planning, Making The Ask, Gift Of Giving, Donor, Ideas, strategic planning


Posted by Richard Clegg

Nonprofit boards often find themselves stuck in a rut, performing the same old tasks with the same agenda month after month, with little impact. This "old work," as described by board expert Richard Chait in his 1996 article "The New Board Work of the Nonprofit Board," remains highly relevant today. I had the opportunity to rediscover this valuable resource in my files, and it reaffirmed that boards have the potential to move their work toward a more impactful and relevant approach.

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Topics: Communications, Board Development, Goal Setting, Change, Goals, Culture, Strategy, Board Management, Board Leadership, Execution, Communication, Relationships, Development, Collaboration, Attitude, Ideas, strategic planning, board governance, Curiosity


Posted by Jon Simons

Bob Goff, author of the wonderful book “Love Does,” loves to remind us that “you can quit anything on a Thursday.” Bob is a lawyer, leads a non-profit, is a best-selling author and highly sought-after speaker, and even serves as the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda. It’s fair to say, Bob Goff is a busy guy!

Each week on what he calls “Quit Thursday,” Bob challenges us to take inventory of what we are giving our finite time, energy, and resources to. What commitments fill our buckets, align with our values, and bring us purpose and joy?

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Topics: Fundraising, Gratitude, Culture, Inspiration, Career Growth, Appreciation, Development, Attitude, Clarity, CEO Coaching, Bob Goff


The Great Wealth Transfer is underway. Up to $90 trillion is expected to be passed on from wealthy, older generations over the next twenty years. $60 billion of that is predicted to be gifted in 2024.

If you’ve been neglecting your planned giving efforts - or putting them off entirely – it’s time to stop.

Besides the potential for transformational gifts, your organization should absolutely invest time in seeking planned gifts now for several compelling reasons:

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Topics: Fundraising, Endowment, Donor Communications, Endowment Development, Financial Development, Fundraising Management, Planned Giving, Development

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