

Posted by DBD Team

Everyone agrees that stewardship is important, but too often it drops to the bottom of the priority list for busy nonprofit professionals. Here are five overlooked ways to say thanks all year long.

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Topics: Donor Stewardship, Stewardship, Fundraising, Nonprofit Leadership, Annual Fundraising


Posted by Michele Goodrich

Nonprofit leaders are often unable to get their board and staff more actively involved in fundraising. For as long as I can remember this has been a popular topic for round table discussions, webinars, conference sessions and more. Suggested solutions often include establishing “give and get” requirements; better/more training; team competitions; clearer expectations; offering rewards and incentives; and more.

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Topics: Leadership, Fundraising, Nonprofit Leadership, Annual Fundraising, Pat Lencioni, What We're Reading


One of my favorite DBD axioms is “Listen the gift.” We use this as we coach our clients through a major or transformational gift ask. Listening to our prospect is an important piece of the puzzle in creating a meaningful outcome for the donor and the organization.

After the disruption of the past four years, it seems a great time to pause and think differently – not just about the organization, changing demographics, AI, or the shifts in technology that are all affecting our fundraising, but about our donors. They are the heart of it all. 

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Topics: Donor Stewardship, Stewardship, Fundraising, Financial Development, Annual Fundraising, Donor Engagement, Donor Relations, Fund Development, Development


Posted by Mary Ramirez

Many nonprofits wonder how to identify people who have DAFs and how to get their cause in front of them. It can be a little complicated but with some investigation into how the DAF is administered, you can find the person behind the DAF and start to share your mission and impact with them. Let’s explore...

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Topics: Fundraising, Financial Development, Annual Fundraising, Donor Engagement, Foundation, Donor Relations, Fund Development, Development, Donor Advised Funds


A Changing Landscape

You’ve probably heard the phrase “cash is king.” But is that still true?

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Topics: Fundraising, Individual Philanthropy, Annual Fundraising, Donor Advised Funds

There's Still Time: Year-end Fundraising

Posted by Jon Simons

While December is prime time for donor stewardship (pro tip: the #1 reason a donor will renew or upgrade their giving is that they were thanked AND told how their gift has impact) it is also a very fruitful time to invite support for your great cause. According to NPSource: 30% of annual giving occurs in December and 10% occurs in the last 3 days of the year. 

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Topics: Fundraising, Annual, Annual Fundraising, End Of Year, Year-End Giving, Year-End

What To Do With A No

Posted by Bruce Berglund

Nearly every big ask in my career as a staffer and consultant – whether it be an ask for a lead gift or a key leadership position – started with a no.

For example:

Would you and your family consider a lead gift of $____ for this campaign? No.

Would you consider serving as a chair for this campaign? No.

It wasn’t fun to hear, but it didn’t mean the end of the relationship, just a change in strategy. What is the next step after the no? Do you move on? Or do you re-approach in a new way?

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Topics: Fundraising, How To Ask, Annual Fundraising, Fear, Giving, Making The Ask

The Question That Opens Doors for Thriving Fundraising Campaigns

Posted by Bruce Berglund
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Topics: Fundraising, Camp Fundraising, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Planning, Church Fundraising, Fundraising Campaign, Capital Leadership, Asking For Help, Nonprofit, financial management

5 Burning Nonprofit Finance Questions to Ask Before You Talk to Your Bank

Posted by Brian Keel
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Topics: Fundraising, Big L Leaders, Camp Fundraising, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Planning, Church Fundraising, Fundraising Campaign, Capital Leadership, Asking For Help, Nonprofit, financial management

Enhance Your Role in Fundraising Through Storytelling

Posted by Lauren DeSimone
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Topics: Leadership, Volunteer Leadership, Fundraising, Volunteer Management, Mentoring, Big L Leaders, Camp Fundraising, Storytelling, Nonprofit Leadership, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Leadership Transition, Church Fundraising, Fundraising Campaign, Communication, Capital Leadership

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