

Posted by Jon Simons

Bob Goff, author of the wonderful book “Love Does,” loves to remind us that “you can quit anything on a Thursday.” Bob is a lawyer, leads a non-profit, is a best-selling author and highly sought-after speaker, and even serves as the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda. It’s fair to say, Bob Goff is a busy guy!

Each week on what he calls “Quit Thursday,” Bob challenges us to take inventory of what we are giving our finite time, energy, and resources to. What commitments fill our buckets, align with our values, and bring us purpose and joy?

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Topics: Fundraising, Gratitude, Culture, Inspiration, Career Growth, Appreciation, Development, Attitude, Clarity, CEO Coaching, Bob Goff


Posted by Danny Maier

Recently, I was speaking with a close friend who made a bad hire when filling a development position.  "I ultimately went with someone I know, not someone who knew."

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Topics: Nonprofit Staff, Pat Lencioni, Hiring, Career Growth, Staff Development, Staff


Posted by Jan Brogdon

Like most professionals in today’s work environment, I have looked for a variety of mentors to help me grow and develop as a professional, as a woman in the workplace, and as a wife and mother. 

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Topics: Leadership, Career Growth, Staff Development

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