

Posted by Lindsay Casavant

As a nonprofit leader, it is likely that building and maintaining donor trust is one of your highest priorities. Have you ever thought about embracing radical transparency as a practice to foster long-lasting relationships and build trust? An upcoming meeting or retreat could provide a perfect forum for your team’s reflection on this topic.


Paint the Full Picture

What is radical transparency? It goes far beyond reporting on finances and operations. It's about sharing your vision, challenges, successes, processes and even shortcomings. It means being upfront about where you and your organization are excelling and where you are working to improve.


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Topics: Fundraising, Case For Support, Nonprofit Leadership, Planning, Transparency, Ideas, Inclusion, trust

Lead with Inclusion: Transforming Your Leadership Style

Posted by Lora Dow

Whether or not you have the official title of “leader,” you have opportunities to create a work environment – and a community – that is not only more welcoming, but that engages the abilities and gifts of all people.

Leaders learn (and unlearn).

Biases and beliefs get installed in us all the time, often when we’re quite young. Unlearning these can be confusing, embarrassing and even shameful. But leaders aren’t afraid of learning. They are always seeking improvement. What they learn, they put into action. Just as you might have educated yourself on how to organize a team, read a financial statement or be a better public speaker, you can learn how to be better at being inclusive in your leadership.

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Topics: Leadership, Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Leadership, Inclusion

Create Lasting Organizational DEIA Transformation through the Power of Belonging

Posted by Laura DeVries
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Topics: Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Leadership, Inclusion, diversity

4 Financial Policies of an Effective Nonprofit Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program

Posted by Brian Keel
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Topics: Leadership, Nonprofit, finance, financial management, Inclusion

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