Topics: Leadership, Collaborations, Global Leadership Summit, Volunteer Leadership, Volunteer Management, Mentoring, Resolutions, Big L Leaders, Nonprofit Leadership, Leadership Transition, Communication, Capital Leadership, Church Leadership, Leadership Coaching, CEO Coaching
Topics: Volunteer Leadership, Resolutions, Nonprofit Leadership, Volunteers, Communication, Donor, Support, strategic planning, board governance
This January, the DBD Team is making resolutions to help us be better. Today Bruce vows to get personal.
Happy New Year! If you are like me, the first few days back in early January consists of cleaning up your office, creating new files, and maybe even cleaning out the dreaded emails that grow like weeds in your inbox!
Topics: Stewardship, Resolutions
There is no shortage of things to read in this day and age. Sometimes I feel like I’m drinking from a fire hydrant of information! I am constantly scanning the digital inbox for the next report due date, meeting confirmation, or to-do project. Then, I move to the newsletters, blogs and websites. Too often I find myself hitting delete even though the content may be valuable, or relocating to a folder with plans to read later. And then there’s all the reading material that still comes in my real mailbox!
Topics: Resolutions, Personal Development
I was delighted to receive calls from two nonprofit executives during the final days of 2013. Both calls were to pass along some great news regarding year-end endowment commitments. As I rejoiced with them, a Chinese proverb that came to mind: ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’
Topics: Fundraising, Resolutions, Endowment, Planned Giving, Legacy
An article from the December 30, 2013 issue of the Chronicle of Philanthropy suggests an unconventional approach to New Year’s resolutions for nonprofit leaders. Instead of providing a list of things to add; it recommends things to stop doing. The list was compiled with input from experts in the nonprofit field and provides some thought provoking ideas for consideration.
Topics: Fundraising, Nonprofit Management, Resolutions, Endowment, Nonprofit Leadership, Volunteers
I generally hate to make New Year’s resolutions. No sooner have I made one than I find myself falling short. But I decided I could make one resolution this year… and… I may make it each year for the rest of my life.
Topics: Stewardship, Fundraising, Gratitude, Resolutions, Donor Recognition
I’ve never really shared my resolutions or talked with others about theirs. It always seemed a private thing to me. At the end of each year, I like to think about what I could have done better and what that means to how I will live in the coming year.
That being said, my resolutions usually turn out to be “character improvement”-type resolutions. I usually take on just one a year – and it will take me years to run out of things to work on!Topics: Gratitude, Resolutions, Kindness
Happy New Year from all of us at Donor By Design! We hope your first full week of 2014 is off to a great start. This is the final blog in a three part series. In the first blog, I reviewed John Norcross’s suggestions for keeping resolutions from his book Changeology, and Jim Collins’ concept of the 20 Mile March from his book Great By Choice. In the second blog, I talked about firing bullets before cannonballs, and using SMART goals to assess the effectiveness of your ideas before you take them to a bigger roll-out.
Topics: Leadership, Resolutions, Jim Collins, The Dip, Seth Godin, John Norcross
Once again, Happy New Year from all of us at Donor By Design! In the second blog of this three-part series, I’m going to dig deeper into one of John Norcross’s suggestions for keeping resolutions, and some ideas from Jim Collins’ new book, Great By Choice. (Miss Part I? Read it now.)
Topics: Leadership, Resolutions, Jim Collins, John Norcross, Ideas, Risk
“Ideas are a dime a dozen.
People who execute them are priceless.”
Mary Kay Ash
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