

Posted by Michele Goodrich

Nonprofit leaders are often unable to get their board and staff more actively involved in fundraising. For as long as I can remember this has been a popular topic for round table discussions, webinars, conference sessions and more. Suggested solutions often include establishing “give and get” requirements; better/more training; team competitions; clearer expectations; offering rewards and incentives; and more.

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Topics: Leadership, Fundraising, Nonprofit Leadership, Annual Fundraising, Pat Lencioni, What We're Reading


Posted by Danny Maier

Recently, I was speaking with a close friend who made a bad hire when filling a development position.  "I ultimately went with someone I know, not someone who knew."

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Topics: Nonprofit Staff, Pat Lencioni, Hiring, Career Growth, Staff Development, Staff


Posted by Danny Maier

A number of months ago I received many comments on a blog I wrote about Patrick Lencioni’s Death By Meeting. That first blog focused on how so many meetings are ineffective, time-sucking exercises. Of course, Lencioni offers several effective solutions so I thought a “Part II” would be appropriate; this time, specifically addressing meeting length.

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Topics: Death By Meeting, Pat Lencioni, Productivity

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