

Posted by Jon Simons

Bob Goff, author of the wonderful book “Love Does,” loves to remind us that “you can quit anything on a Thursday.” Bob is a lawyer, leads a non-profit, is a best-selling author and highly sought-after speaker, and even serves as the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda. It’s fair to say, Bob Goff is a busy guy!

Each week on what he calls “Quit Thursday,” Bob challenges us to take inventory of what we are giving our finite time, energy, and resources to. What commitments fill our buckets, align with our values, and bring us purpose and joy?

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Topics: Fundraising, Gratitude, Culture, Inspiration, Career Growth, Appreciation, Development, Attitude, Clarity, CEO Coaching, Bob Goff


Posted by Kellie Wardman

A CEO once said to me, “I would like us to have a conversation with one of my new board members.”

“Of course,” I said. “What would you like to talk about?”

“He wants to know what he is going to get from being on my board,” she said. “And I have never had anyone ask me that before!”

The CEO was intrigued.

Change Your Perspective on Boards

Typically, when non-profits are recruiting board members, they discuss the gifts, skills, and experience different volunteers might contribute to the organization. What time, talent, and treasure might they bring?

But what if instead we talk through what the volunteers will get from being on the board? Volunteers typically gain satisfaction from helping a community. They feel good about using their skills toward greater good.

A New Board Job Description

Imagine a reverse job description. Consider one that stresses what board members will receive from being part of your organization.

What would yours say?

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Topics: Board Development, Fundraising, Nonprofit Leadership, Strategy, Board Leadership, Planning, Campaign Planning, CEO Coaching


Posted by Bruce Berglund
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Topics: Leadership, Collaborations, Global Leadership Summit, Volunteer Leadership, Volunteer Management, Mentoring, Resolutions, Big L Leaders, Nonprofit Leadership, Leadership Transition, Communication, Capital Leadership, Church Leadership, Leadership Coaching, CEO Coaching

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