

Posted by Mary Ramirez

I don’t know about you, but I love a good dip – especially during the summer months while gathered with friends and family. Whether it’s a zesty guacamole, creamy artichoke, or a citrusy pico de gallo; a tasty dip always seems to get people together around a central location, talking and interacting in a fun and enjoyable way. But for those of us in fundraising, the word “dip” can oftentimes mean something completely different.

Fundraising campaigns are often likened to marathons rather than sprints. They require strategic planning, deliberate preparation, sustained effort, and a dedicated team working tirelessly towards a common goal. However, even the most well-planned campaigns can experience dips, where significant donations slow down or even come to a halt. During these times, it’s easy to feel disheartened and pressured to push harder. But sometimes the most productive step a team can take is to pause, take a break, and reset.

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Topics: Capital Campaign, Fundraising, Nonprofit Leadership, Strategy, Planning, Patience, Capital Fundraising, Development, Downtime, Advocacy


Posted by Bruce Berglund

,We share the grief and outrage felt by the country in the wake of the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and countless others. This must end.

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Topics: Advocacy


Posted by Michele Goodrich

I looked out the window of my warm home last week to see my mail carrier dressed in a full snowsuit, heavy gloves and a hat with furry ear flaps struggling to climb over a pile of drifted snow to deliver a package. It was after 7 pm and certainly not the first time he had delivered the mail that late this week. In addition, my city’s trash and recycling crews have worked quite a few extra-long days this winter to make up for times when snow removal took precedence over refuse collection. And the steady stream of plumbers, garage door repairmen and HVAC experts coming in and out of my small neighborhood over the past seven weeks has been remarkable.

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Topics: Stewardship, Advocacy

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