

Posted by Jon Simons

Bob Goff, author of the wonderful book “Love Does,” loves to remind us that “you can quit anything on a Thursday.” Bob is a lawyer, leads a non-profit, is a best-selling author and highly sought-after speaker, and even serves as the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda. It’s fair to say, Bob Goff is a busy guy!

Each week on what he calls “Quit Thursday,” Bob challenges us to take inventory of what we are giving our finite time, energy, and resources to. What commitments fill our buckets, align with our values, and bring us purpose and joy?

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Topics: Fundraising, Gratitude, Culture, Inspiration, Career Growth, Appreciation, Development, Attitude, Clarity, CEO Coaching, Bob Goff


The Great Wealth Transfer is underway. Up to $90 trillion is expected to be passed on from wealthy, older generations over the next twenty years. $60 billion of that is predicted to be gifted in 2024.

If you’ve been neglecting your planned giving efforts - or putting them off entirely – it’s time to stop.

Besides the potential for transformational gifts, your organization should absolutely invest time in seeking planned gifts now for several compelling reasons:

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Topics: Fundraising, Endowment, Donor Communications, Endowment Development, Financial Development, Fundraising Management, Planned Giving, Development


Posted by DBD Team

In the aftermath of a natural disaster, timely, clear, and compassionate communication is essential for nonprofit organizations seeking to raise support for recovery efforts. Whether you are in this situation now or in the future, here are things to consider to help you stay connected to your donors – both immediately after you have assessed the damages, and in the months following as you continue to rebuild.

Where to start 

Once you have assessed the damages and identified urgent community needs, it's time to initiate your communications. But don’t wait too long. You don’t have to have all the answers before you start to reach out. Prioritize transparency and urgency in your outreach, while also offering hope and tangible ways for donors to make an impact. Early communications should focus on immediate needs and establish a foundation for ongoing updates as recovery efforts continue.

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Topics: Fundraising, Donor Communications, Financial Development, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Planning, Development


Posted by Kennerly Benraty

Whether you’re looking to finish strong on an already successful year, or you’re looking to close a gap to goal, this story of a high school wrestling tournament offers four ways to help any team reach their goal in the face of adversity.

First, let me set the stage…

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Topics: Success Stories, Fundraising, Major Gifts, Annual Campaign, Donor Communications, Campaign Leadership, Financial Development, Purpose, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, End Of Year, Planning, Fundraising Campaign, Development, Preparation


Posted by Kim Hinrichs

As our clients seek to finish the year strong, we are helping them navigate the changing landscape of grant writing with its new challenges and opportunities. Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for anyone looking to secure funding in a competitive environment. Here’s a look at the latest trends that we are seeing in grant writing. Consider using these strategies to refine your approach and increase your chances of success.

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Topics: Fundraising, Major Gifts, Annual Campaign, Donor Communications, Campaign Leadership, Financial Development, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, End Of Year, Capital Fundraising, Fundraising Campaign, Development, Preparation, grants, grant writing


Posted by Bruce Berglund

As our firm has grown over the years, I’ve had the privilege of spending time with our new consultants, sharing our company history, axioms, and explaining how we “show up” for our clients.

Recently, the leader of a large $200M+ nonprofit asked me what I look for when hiring consultants. What advice would I give when hiring fundraising professionals? How does DBD Group differentiate itself from other firms in the same space?

I think he was surprised when I didn’t talk about years of experience, education or successful previous campaigns. Without pausing to contemplate the question I answered that I look for the gifts of presence and curiosity. These two gifts are a powerful pairing.

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Topics: Fundraising, Donor Communications, Culture Of Philanthrophy, Culture, Inspiration, Development Officer, Relationship Building, Listening, DBD Axiom, Communication, Relationships, Appreciation, Development, Attitude, Curiosity, Presence


Posted by Sara Luke

As a nonprofit organization, your case for support is a critical tool to communicate the value and impact of your work, build relationships with donors, and secure the resources needed to fulfill your mission. But it’s not enough to write it once and assume it’s always going to work.

While you should dust off and evaluate the strength and validity of your case every year, sometimes you need a bigger reset.

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Topics: Fundraising, Case For Support, Donor Communications, Change, Campaign Leadership, Strategy, Case Statement, Communication, Development


August is Make-A-Will Month. What an opportunity for your organization to raise awareness about the importance of estate planning!

Using the concept of "Make-A-Will" to encourage donors can be a powerful strategy for your planned giving and endowment programs. Here are several ideas you can implement this month to capture donors' attention on this important topic.

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Topics: Fundraising, Endowment, Nonprofit Leadership, Endowment Development, Strategy, Planning, Estate Planning, Planned Giving, Development


Posted by Mary Ramirez

I don’t know about you, but I love a good dip – especially during the summer months while gathered with friends and family. Whether it’s a zesty guacamole, creamy artichoke, or a citrusy pico de gallo; a tasty dip always seems to get people together around a central location, talking and interacting in a fun and enjoyable way. But for those of us in fundraising, the word “dip” can oftentimes mean something completely different.

Fundraising campaigns are often likened to marathons rather than sprints. They require strategic planning, deliberate preparation, sustained effort, and a dedicated team working tirelessly towards a common goal. However, even the most well-planned campaigns can experience dips, where significant donations slow down or even come to a halt. During these times, it’s easy to feel disheartened and pressured to push harder. But sometimes the most productive step a team can take is to pause, take a break, and reset.

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Topics: Capital Campaign, Fundraising, Nonprofit Leadership, Strategy, Planning, Patience, Capital Fundraising, Development, Downtime, Advocacy


Posted by Kellie Wardman

A CEO once said to me, “I would like us to have a conversation with one of my new board members.”

“Of course,” I said. “What would you like to talk about?”

“He wants to know what he is going to get from being on my board,” she said. “And I have never had anyone ask me that before!”

The CEO was intrigued.

Change Your Perspective on Boards

Typically, when non-profits are recruiting board members, they discuss the gifts, skills, and experience different volunteers might contribute to the organization. What time, talent, and treasure might they bring?

But what if instead we talk through what the volunteers will get from being on the board? Volunteers typically gain satisfaction from helping a community. They feel good about using their skills toward greater good.

A New Board Job Description

Imagine a reverse job description. Consider one that stresses what board members will receive from being part of your organization.

What would yours say?

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Topics: Board Development, Fundraising, Nonprofit Leadership, Strategy, Board Leadership, Planning, Campaign Planning, CEO Coaching

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