

Posted by Kennerly Benraty

Looking through my bookshelf, I came across The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. I was gifted this book in my first few months as a fundraiser when a mentor of mine slid it across a coffee table in my direction with a credulous smile and told me there’s one contingency (you’ll have to read on your own to find out!) if I decided to follow its teachings.

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Topics: Donor Stewardship, Stewardship, Fundraising, How To Ask, Art Of The Ask, Donor Relations, Making The Ask, Nonprofit, What We're Reading

Fundraiser of the Year

Posted by Jan Brogdon

I’m nominating Alice S. for “Fundraiser of the Year.”

While that award may not exist exactly, this spunky, driven young lady has much to teach even the most seasoned development professionals.

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Topics: Fundraising, How To Ask, Art Of The Ask, Asking, Inspiration, Relationship Building, Communication, Making The Ask, Donor

What To Do With A No

Posted by Bruce Berglund

Nearly every big ask in my career as a staffer and consultant – whether it be an ask for a lead gift or a key leadership position – started with a no.

For example:

Would you and your family consider a lead gift of $____ for this campaign? No.

Would you consider serving as a chair for this campaign? No.

It wasn’t fun to hear, but it didn’t mean the end of the relationship, just a change in strategy. What is the next step after the no? Do you move on? Or do you re-approach in a new way?

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Topics: Fundraising, How To Ask, Annual Fundraising, Fear, Giving, Making The Ask


Posted by DBD Finance Team

By DBD Financial Management Team

Much has been made of support like the Paycheck Protection Plan and Employee Retention Tax Credits that arose from Congressional efforts to address the economic impact of the COVID pandemic.

However, from a tax standpoint, there are some less known provisions that can affect how your donors treat their contributions.

As we head into year-end giving,  you'll be engaging with donors and asking for their continued support.  Being aware of the tax provisions below could come in clutch during these crucial conversations.

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Topics: Donation, Art Of The Ask, End Of Year, Year-End Giving, Communication, Making The Ask, Nonprofit, Tax Law


Posted by Lauren DeSimone

If you’re anything like me you may have become used to – or perhaps dependent on – directional apps, like Google Maps. I even put on directions to pick up my son from daycare, just so I know exactly the best way to get there and when I will arrive. Evidently, I like having certainty and a plan.

These apps are written with algorithms that assess available routes (plus traffic or accidents) to produce the most efficient directions.  What if we could apply something similar for fundraising professionals?

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Topics: Donation, Goal Setting, Fundraising Campaign, Communication, Planned Giving, Making The Ask, Nonprofit, Donor Identification


Posted by Jan Brogdon

I’m nominating Alice S. for “Fundraiser of the Year.”

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Topics: Success Stories, Donation, How To Ask, Art Of The Ask, Professional Development, Goals, Making The Ask


Posted by Michele Goodrich

In any given year, grantmaking foundations in the United States award BILLIONS of dollars to nonprofit organizations. 

If you want to increase your chances of receiving some of those funds, consider thinking of foundations as individual donor prospects.

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Topics: How To Ask, Asking, Strategy, Planning, Communication, Ask For Advice, Making The Ask, Preparation, grants, grant writing


Posted by Bruce Berglund

I have the wonderful opportunity to learn from our clients and their volunteers across the country. The wonderful balance of staff and volunteer engagement makes this work rich and rewarding.

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Topics: Volunteer Leadership, Board Leadership, Development, Making The Ask, Donor, Nonprofit


Posted by Jon Simons

Fundraising is a lot like yoga. If it hurts, you are probably doing it wrong.

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Topics: Ask, How To Ask, Art Of The Ask, Patience, Making The Ask


Posted by Lora Dow

A big part of what I do with my non-profit clients is help them to develop and refine their case for support? What’s a “case?” It’s simply a collection of compelling reasons (both data and stories) as to why an organization is worthy of support. You’ve probably made a case for support at some point in your career – be it a letter, a grant proposal or a sales conversation over coffee.

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Topics: Case For Support, Art Of The Ask, Storytelling, Cultivation, Making The Ask

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