Topics: Capital Campaign, Capital Readiness, Fundraising, Camp Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Planning, Capital Fundraising, Church Fundraising, Fundraising Campaign, Capital Leadership, Asking For Help, Nonprofit, financial management
Topics: Fundraising, Camp Fundraising, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Planning, Church Fundraising, Fundraising Campaign, Capital Leadership, Asking For Help, Nonprofit, financial management
Topics: Fundraising, Big L Leaders, Camp Fundraising, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Planning, Church Fundraising, Fundraising Campaign, Capital Leadership, Asking For Help, Nonprofit, financial management
Topics: Leadership, Volunteer Leadership, Fundraising, Volunteer Management, Mentoring, Big L Leaders, Camp Fundraising, Storytelling, Nonprofit Leadership, Annual Fundraising, Fundraising Management, Leadership Transition, Church Fundraising, Fundraising Campaign, Communication, Capital Leadership
Topics: Leadership, Collaborations, Global Leadership Summit, Volunteer Leadership, Volunteer Management, Mentoring, Resolutions, Big L Leaders, Nonprofit Leadership, Leadership Transition, Communication, Capital Leadership, Church Leadership, Leadership Coaching, CEO Coaching
Years ago, I attended one of my first YMCA training events, held at the Calhoun Beach Hotel in Minneapolis. The day’s featured presentation on board development was of very little interest to me.
Topics: Volunteer Development, Board Development, Capital Leadership
“Ideas are a dime a dozen.
People who execute them are priceless.”
Mary Kay Ash
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