

Posted by Lora Dow

For leaders of mission-driven organizations, keeping a hopeful attitude is critical to meeting the inevitable challenges that arise. But how do you keep your attitude positive when things aren’t going your way?

In “Imaginable” by Jane McGonigal, the author introduces the concept of “urgent optimism.” In this state of mind, it’s possible to be realistic about the issues and risks ahead, while also keeping an open eye and heart as to how you can help to solve those issues and address the risks.

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Topics: Collaborations, Book Club, Donation, Fundraising, Goal Setting, Goals, Culture Of Philanthrophy, Fundraising Management, Inspiration, Capital Fundraising, Communication, Appreciation, Development, Donor, Online Giving, Attitude, Happiness, Potential


Posted by Johnathan Teal

What are things you might stop doing that could improve the quality of your day-to-day life? Harvard professor and researcher Arthur Brooks calls this a “to don’t” list: things that you find yourself doing out of habit or obligation even though they lower happiness and productivity.

As you consider your own list, I encourage you to try the following:

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Topics: Communications, Fundraising, Change, Goals, Culture, Strategy, Inspiration, Fund Development, Communication, Relationships, Appreciation, Attitude, Happiness, Ideas, Curiosity, Presence

What We're Reading

Posted by DBD Team

One of our axioms is “Keep learning, stewarding, and sharing.” We’re big believers in the power of books.  

Sure, we’ve got a few good suspense and historical fiction novels on our bedside tables, but today we’d like to share a few non-fiction gems that have inspired us for work – and life.

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Topics: Book Club, Nonprofit Management, Goal Setting, Big L Leadership, Axiom, DBD Axiom, Communication, Productivity, Time Management, Happiness


Posted by Laura DeVries

A few times a day, my Apple watch reminds me to breathe.  Like many, I googled this feature when I started receiving these notifications at the most inconvenient times. Before I can hit dismiss, my watch steals my attention and I am momentarily captured as the animated flower fills the tiny screen and slowly expands and contracts.

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Topics: Leadership, Goals, Nonprofit Leadership, Personal Development, Communication, Attitude, Happiness, Clarity


Posted by Jon Simons

How ironic is it that a year of forced isolation has actually provided us the ability to connect with each other in a deep, meaningful and global scale? 

How are you doing?” has shifted from a casual greeting to a meaningful invitation to connect through a common, shared experience.

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Topics: Leadership, Grit, Gratitude, Goals, Nonprofit Leadership, Communication, Relationships, Nonprofit, Happiness, Covid


Posted by Michele Goodrich

A few weeks ago, I attended a meeting of non-profit leaders struggling through a slump in their capital campaign.

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Topics: Leadership, Capital Campaign, The Dip, Attitude, Happiness

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