Happy New Year! As you settle back in after the holidays, let me suggest you take a few moments to consider the “three Rs” before getting sucked into the hustle and bustle of a new year.


Take a moment to reflect on 2020. What did you learn about yourself, your family, your community, and the organization you serve? Many of you have heard me talk about my list of the curses and blessings of COVID. Although so many suffered in real ways, I must say, my blessings list was also significant. Name those blessings. Recognize the lessons learned. Lean into those both in 2021.


Based on your reflections, both personal and professional, what might you do differently in 2021? Are there lessons from COVID that will allow you to work differently or more efficiently? Have you shifted priorities? What new constraints – and new opportunities – are available for your work in the coming year?

Need some inspiration? Watch our December webinar on “Lessons Learned in 2020.”


Find some time to “re-fall” in love with your case for support and the organization you serve. As you look toward this year, how might you tell your better story? How might you reboot your strategic plan? How might you make sure you are financially ready to thrive in 2021? How might you reignite your team, your board members, your donors?

Buckle up as we prepare for another trip around the sun! These three Rs are always good to revisit any time you need to re-focus your efforts.



Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

Posted by Bruce Berglund
Bruce Berglund

Written by Bruce Berglund

For nearly 30 years, Bruce Berglund, CFRE, has been a successful professional fundraiser in the fields of higher education, arts and culture, and social services. Bruce is the CEO and Founder of DBD Group (formerly Donor by Design Group), a national firm providing comprehensive fundraising services to nonprofits, churches, community colleges and schools. DBD is currently managing more than $3 billion in capital, annual and endowment campaigns. Bruce is a highly sought-after writer, speaker and teacher.

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