There's Still Time: Year-end Fundraising


While December is prime time for donor stewardship (pro tip: the #1 reason a donor will renew or upgrade their giving is that they were thanked AND told how their gift has impact) it is also a very fruitful time to invite support for your great cause. According to NPSource: 30% of annual giving occurs in December and 10% occurs in the last 3 days of the year. 


Perhaps it’s the procrastination of good intentions, tax planning or a deeper sense of hope and gratitude during the holidays. Whatever the reason, December just might be the hidden sweet spot to grow your contributed support.

  1. Is your year end appeal ready to go? Do you need to boost it with follow up emails or calls?
  2. Are you inviting donors to make a second gift this year? True Story: I have a client who dug into their data and realized that once a donor made a second gift their future giving (donor retention) jumped to 84%!!
  3. Add social media posts with stories of impact from 2023 and a call to action to give today so that this impact can grow in the new year.
  4. Have a plan for supporting online and mailed gifts in the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve. A lot of staff will be on vacation. Who will keep an eye out for issues or questions from the website? And who will be making sure that mailed donations are identified and processed?


Go get 'em! Stick the landing! The best time to grow your giving is NOW.


If you're looking for some help with your year end appeal or are interested in a deeper dive into your giving data and trends, contact us.

Posted by Jon Simons
Jon Simons

Written by Jon Simons

In his role as Executive Vice President, Jon has oversight over product development and training for DBD Group. He, along with the rest of the leadership team, provides strategic direction and insight for the company. He plays a key role in welcoming new consultants and ensuring that they offer the same quality service and tools as the rest of the DBD team.

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