When DBD is given the opportunity to be considered to conduct a capital or comprehensive feasibility study, we make it clear from the start that we will not perform a study for you, but we would be honored to perform a study with you!
While I could try to explain this more, I am honored to share with you the first-person perspective of a recent client/partner, Robert P. Kirschner, Chief Philanthropy Officer & Senior Vice President at the YMCA of Greater Cleveland.
“Recently we had the opportunity to advance an important capital project for one of our legacy branches. Nestled in the suburbs of Cleveland’s East Side, the Hillcrest Family YMCA is a vibrant facility that has found a way to thrive in its original 1954 structure. This community needs and deserves a facility that provides the space and amenities for people of all ages to grow in spirit, mind, and body. It was time for a feasibility study to test what the Hillcrest community wanted in their YMCA and what they would support.
The Philanthropy Department issued an RFP for a feasibility study, and we received strong proposals. But one firm provided an approach that forever changed the way I think about conducting a feasibility study.
The YMCA of Greater Cleveland chose to work with DBD Group for our capital campaign feasibility study not because of their experience (which is deep), nor because they know us (which they do), but because of their philosophical approach to the process. Instead of delivering to us an aggregated report of confidential interviews, DBD insists that Y leadership participate in the interview process.
In theory, I understood and embraced this approach: by “being in the room” we could advance conversations and build relationships with some of our closest advocates and supporters. In practice, the reality of these conversations far exceeded my expectations to the point that I can’t imagine conducting a feasibility study any other way.
The conversations were as expected: open, honest, critical, forward-looking, and revealing. With DBD running and managing the conversation, I was free to listen more intently and pay attention to body language. If there was more than one person being interviewed, I could fully take in the interpersonal dynamic unfolding as the conversation blossomed. Not only did the prospects not mind the fact that organizational leadership was in the room, it felt as if they expected us to be there.
Nothing risked being lost in translation and I had an ally in this process with whom I could compare notes. Instead of hiring expertise to manage a process and deliver a report, we hired a partner that provided thought leadership, managed the process, and delivered a report while helping us deepen relationships with our closest donors.”
We often find prospective clients question our practice of including nonprofit leaders in the feasibility study interviews. They worry that prospective donors will be uncomfortable or reluctant to share their views. The truth is that these community leaders look forward to the opportunity to talk with nonprofit leaders, ask their questions, share their concerns, and give the best advice they can.
If you want to learn more about the importance of a feasibility study and how DBD Group does it, contact us for a free, no-pressure follow up.
This Month's Focus