DBD Group Blog


Written by Jon Simons | Feb. 9, 2021

It’s happened to all of us over the last year while on a video conference: you want to express a thought, respond to a question or offer an opinion and you’re the only one who can hear you talking. You’re on mute! With technology, an easy fix is just a click or two away.

While the technology of today highlights our moments of silence, being on mute is certainly not a new phenomenon. 

When you are feeling appreciation for someone and don’t share it with them, you’re on mute.

Anytime you’re upset or disturbed by an issue and you don’t speak up, you’re on mute.

If you find yourself confused or lost in a conversation and you don’t ask for clarification for fear of looking dumb, you’re on mute.

When you feel strongly about a cause or mission and you don’t take the time to share it with others, you’re on mute.

If you hold your tongue, feeling that others are far more qualified to fill in the silence on an issue close to your heart, you’re on mute.

When you chose silence over action when you see or feel injustice, you’re on mute.

Growing up, my Dad always said, “Do you know what silence will get you? Not a gosh darn thing!”  His words may have been a bit more colorful, but you get the idea."

My hope is that you and I become more mindful of our mute buttons and challenge ourselves to turn them off from time to time.  The world needs more advocates, champions and disruptors! 

The world needs your voice, and you deserve to be heard! 


Image Credit: Graphic Art Sangla from Pixabay