DBD Group Blog


Written by Lora Dow | Apr. 25, 2016

We’ve all heard the stories.

A nonprofit executive is surprised by a windfall gift – a generous check from a donor, either living or deceased, that comes as a complete surprise.

It is easy to tell the story as if that gift is like a lightning strike from out of the blue. But in reality, these gifts arrive after years of cultivation and attention.

Major gifts are the climax of a donor’s story. They are about donor values as much as program goals. They are a symbol of the legacy the donor wishes to leave.

Securing such gifts is not about waiting for lightning to strike as much as it is about planting seeds. Through small, continual, nurturing interactions, you can encourage a legacy-level gift to grow in the heart and mind of a donor, even if you don’t know exactly when that gift might be harvested.

How do you nurture such seeds?

  • Be an excellent steward of all gifts, no matter what size.
  • Share information about your organization, your impact and your community’s needs on a steady basis over the years.
  • Recognize consistency of giving as well as amount. There are the major donors who can give a lot at one time and then there are major donors who give consistently over time, no matter what the amount.
  • Invite your donors, as well as your community at large, to make a legacy-level gift. While asking seems obvious within a campaign, asking is also important in planned giving and endowment. (Even if takes a while to get an answer.)
  • Craft, and share, a long-term case for support – in other words, share your vision for future generations, not just for your next facility or program. Inspire your donors with a vision of the future, and invite them to be part of making that vision reality.

Telling yourself that an organization who receives an unexpected major gift is just “lucky” is letting yourself off the hook too easily.

While you’re waiting for lightning to strike, the nonprofit next door might just be out there making it rain.