DBD Group Blog


Written by Mike Bussey | Jun. 19, 2014

I was hesitant to start reading Michael Oren’s book, Power, Faith and Fantasy: American in the Middle East from 1776 to the Present, thinking that it may be years before I finished. It’s more than 600 pages long!

However, having traveled and worked in the Middle East for nearly 40 years, the topic was too attractive to not at least read the first hundred pages, and I soon found that not only had I finished the book, but wished that I had read it years earlier.

In ‘Power, Faith and Fantasy’, Michael Oren brilliantly presents U.S. history in the Middle East, starting with the implications of not having the protection of the British Navy following the American Revolution as we started connecting to the Middle East and continuing through the 1991 Gulf War and the rise of militant Islam. The book put into an understandable context why the Middle East is such a complicated and contentious part of the world and how the current events of today are directly linked to the past.

In an attempt to balance personal reading with professional development, I like to alternate between reading books for each purpose, which led me to read Diana Newman’s book, Endowment Building, a very well written and helpful book on a topic that I’ve also connected with for nearly 40 years.

Newman’s book confirmed my long-held belief that endowment development, (unlike U.S. – Middle East history) is not complicated or political, and is something that every non-profit leader can and should do to assure the long-term financial strength and mission viability of their organization.

Reflecting back on these two books, I realized it will take many more years to fully understand the Middle East but just a few months to put in place a great endowment development program. If Donor By Design can help you with either endeavor, please give us a call! However, please know that we can be a lot more helpful with endowment development!

Want to learn more about Power, Faith and Fantasy – America in the Middle East from 1776 to Present by Michael B. Oren? Read this review by Foreign Affairs.

This post is part of our Summer Reading Recommendations series. Find out more about What We’re Reading and let us know your recommendations!