DBD Group Blog


Written by DBD Team | Jan. 23, 2014

I generally hate to make New Year’s resolutions. No sooner have I made one than I find myself falling short. But I decided I could make one resolution this year… and… I may make it each year for the rest of my life.

I resolve to be more grateful.

While I was sitting in church this morning, I found myself thinking about the relationship between one who gives a gift and the one who receives it, and that the interaction usually inspires gratitude on the part of the recipient.

My faith inspires me to be grateful. My understanding of God’s generosity towards me inspires me to be grateful to Him for his unconditional love and sacrifice on my behalf. But I’ve also found that my faith inspires me to be more grateful for a lot of things. Things I don’t deserve but have been given anyway.

I have a wonderful wife and my relationship with her makes me grateful. Having known the tragic loss of a spouse years ago, I often wonder how I got so lucky to have found my second wife.

I have a great family – two daughters who are grown and learning to navigate the world on their own. I’m grateful for that. (Plus they have to get their own health insurance now. That would make any parent grateful.)

I’m gratefu

l for a house, for comfort, safety, and daily sustenance. (Too much sustenance quite often. Maybe I should have resolved to go on a diet?)

As you begin your work to raise funding for your organization’s mission this year, be sure to take opportunities when you are with donors to be grateful… not only for their gift and

generosity, but also for their relationship with your organization that makes them glad to give.

A grateful heart is a generous heart and gratitude makes life more rewarding.

Thanks so much for reading this blog!