DBD Group Blog


Written by DBD Team | Jan. 13, 2014

I’ve never really shared my resolutions or talked with others about theirs. It always seemed a private thing to me. At the end of each year, I like to think about what I could have done better and what that means to how I will live in the coming year.

That being said, my resolutions usually turn out to be “character improvement”-type resolutions. I usually take on just one a year – and it will take me years to run out of things to work on!

More recently, I have tried to focus on being kind to others above and beyond my daily routines. What if I could do something special for someone in need every single

week? It makes me think a bit more outside the box than my routine usually allows. In my travels, it makes me a bit more observant of others who may just need a smile or a hand with their luggage or even someone crying and alone. It makes me stop and wonder: can I help?

I once read a book where the author resolved to write 365 thank you notes during the year. He struggled at first and got a lot of surprise reactions when he would send his barber a thank you for the great haircut! But, he began to notice that people responded to him a bit differently. They began to return the thoughtfulness. It even began to come back to him in life-changing ways.

So, my challenge is to continue to work on my own “character flaws” and make them “character improvements!”

My challenge to you is to find something for yourself that builds your own character into all that you were meant to be…one day at a time.