DBD Group Blog


Written by Jon Simons | Jan. 14, 2016

A few summers back while on vacation with friends I learned a great lesson. Well…two actually. The first was that cell phones and salt water don’t mix (and that phone insurance is a good thing). The second lesson came a few days later, about 48 hours after the phone-meets-ocean thing.

I learned that once I moved past the anxiety of being unplugged from my technology and various social media outlets, I felt more connected to my wife, my friends and the experiences of each day. I realized that the greatest gift I could give myself and those around me was my presence.

Granted, the disruption in my ability to read e-mail, connect with clients and stay productive was easier because I was already on vacation. After another five days unplugged I committed to a life free from the binds of instant communication, anytime news and social media. Upon returning home, I am proud to report that my life of tech freedom lasted almost 12 whole hours!

While I don’t believe that disconnecting from technology is very realistic in this day and age, I do think that we can all be smarter about our smart phones.

In the spirit of New Years’ resolutions, I have resolved to put people first.

While visiting with friends, meeting with clients or enjoying my time with my family, I commit to be very thoughtful about how and when I include my phone. I won’t be perfect but I will make a conscious effort to give the gift of my presence to those who share theirs with me.

My resolution: in 2016, I am committed to unplugging and getting connected.