DBD Group Blog


Written by Danny Maier | Jan. 7, 2016

This January, the Donor By Design Team is offering a series of resolutions: Strategies and commitments to enhance your ability to connect with donors and generate support for your important work. 

Fifty years ago, Charles Schultz gave us kids something special, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” And some five decades later, three or more generations continue to watch Charlie Brown’s droopy tree finally stand upright.

But there is probably something you NEVER noticed about that cartoon (and you may have seen it 50 times). I never did until my pastor pointed it out at Christmas services. Remember as Charlie Brown despondently cries out, “Does anyone really know what Christmas is all about?” And Linus, his ever-present security blanket in hand, takes center stage and begins to recite from the Gospel Luke describing the “true meaning of Christmas.” But did you notice what Linus did?

As Linus tells of the shepherds quaking at the sight of Heaven’s angels, he says:

Fear Not! For, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all my people.

At the moment he says “Fear not!,” Linus drops his security blanket.

Why is this so significant? Because Linus has carried this very blanket allof his life. Always fearful. Lacking confidence. Self-doubting.

All of us have fears. Fear of asking for a gift. Fear of being turned down. Fear of falling short of a goal.

And all of us have security blankets – some virtual, some physical.

My calendar is too busy to make that call.
I need that perfect case brochure before visiting.
Maybe I’m not the best person to call. Fred should go.

In the end, Linus wraps that blanket around the base of the tree. It stands upright. Supported. Finally someone believes in that tree and it can withstand the onslaught of lights and ornaments.

Doesn’t it work that way with all of us as well? Once someone puts an arm around you, offers words of praise or encouragement, suddenly don’t you feel positive, energized, enthused?

My New Year’s resolution? “Fear Not!”

I’m going to drop my security blanket. I’m going to take those steps I know lead to success. I will offer encouragement and be that security blanket around the tree base.

And yes, I will be nervous often. I may even be turned down. But if I can lose all these excuses, my security blankets, I know I will make my goals. And so can you.

Happy New Year.