DBD Group Blog


Written by Bruce Berglund | May. 2, 2014

Rarely does a week go by without a phone call from someone who is tired, frustrated and defeated. They’re worried their campaign is “stalled.” Before you can adequately diagnose the issue with your campaign, you must first have the courage to hit the pause button. Take the time to determine if you need to stop the campaign or simply relaunch. 

There are four key elements to every campaign – case, leadership, prospects and a plan. In this two-part blog we will explore your options when you find yourself in the dip and stalled.

Ask yourself these questions about your case:

Is your case still relevant? Does it need updating to account for changed circumstances?

Is your case clear, concise and compelling? If your case isn’t compelling you will find yourself having to “sell” the case to donors and prospects. Compelling cases are easily understood and quickly adopted by donors.

Test your revised case with your top prospects. Remember, ask for money and you will get advice …Ask for advice and you will get money!

Consider launching a vision tour with your new clear, concise and compelling case. Get your top prospects to see your case first hand. Let them experience the amazing work you do for those you serve.

Lastly, some folks expect their case materials to “sing, dance and ask for money.” This is our job as leaders, not the job of a campaign brochure.

Next, consider the effectiveness of your campaign leadership:

Do you have the right leaders to make the campaign a success? “Big L” leaders can get access to the ten key leaders in your community. Perhaps you settled during the first phase of your campaign. If so, consider recruiting new co-chairs or other leaders to help reinvigorate the campaign.

Respect the law of lateral recruitment. Volunteers generally recruit from their own socioeconomic circles or lower. It is difficult for anyone to recruit or ask up!

Be transparent with these Big L leaders. Let them know you need help gaining access and you can’t do it alone. If your case is clear, concise and compelling they will want to help.

Remember – staff can open windows but volunteers open doors!

Ask the right questions before you declare your campaign dead in the water. Next week, we’ll consider where you might be able to revamp your campaign prospect list and plan.