DBD Group Blog


Written by Bruce Berglund | Jul. 12, 2016

In this series, the DBD Team will take a deeper look at some of the axioms we use when working with our clients. In today’s blog, Bruce reflects on our axiom: “Leadership is Everything.” To read other axiom blogs, click here.

One of our first axioms for our firm was Leadership is Everything. We have trained and written about this topic from day one.

I firmly believe that the recruitment and care of the right board or the selection of the right leaders for a campaign sets the trajectory for a successful not-for-profit enterprise.

The right leaders have access to other leaders. The right leaders have access to individuals, corporation and foundations who can make your dreams a reality. The right leaders power you through the “dip” in your campaign – and you will surely hit a dip.

So if all of this is true – why do we settle? Why aren’t we successfully recruiting the right leaders? Let me suggest that perhaps we make the same mistake in recruiting leaders as we do with major gift fundraising. I often coach my clients that “speed dating” doesn’t work in major gift fundraising. I coach them to take the time to build a relationship, put a face to the case and generally let them fall in love with your organization before you ask for a substantial gift.

Do we apply this same discipline as we recruit our potential board members and campaign leadership? Do we take the time to allow them fall in love with our case and organization? Remember, you are asking for their most precious commodity – time.

Take all the time necessary to surround your organization with the right leaders.

Leadership is everything. Do you agree?