DBD Group Blog


Written by Mike Bussey | Feb. 18, 2014

I was stunned by the phone call.

It was from a board member of a camp that Marcia and I have supported for several years, and it came just a few days after we had made an online, year-end contribution.

We had already received an online confirmation of our gift, as well as a personal letter from the camp director. In addition, we’re listed as donors in the camp’s annual report and occasionally receive terrific email newsletters.

Although we’ve always felt

more than adequately thanked for our rather modest gift, the phone call took the camp’s expression of gratitude to even a higher level, and, along with it, our commitment of support for the camp also increased .

The purpose for the call was simply to say ‘thank you’ and to let us know that our contribution was deeply appreciated and well invested into the mission of the camp. What was even more impressive was that he had to call twice! The first time he left a message thanking us for our gift and indicated that he’d call back later, and he did!

What made this phone call even more memorable was that we had made several other year-end contributions at the same time and had received a variety of responses, ranging from email confirmations, form letters, personal notes and, in one case, no response at all!

The call was a good reminder that effectively and creatively expressing gratitude results in donors being even more loyal and generous to your organization. Conversely, failing to do so can result in donors losing interest in your organization.

Consider this great goal for 2014: Find a way for your organization to be the most effective “expresser” of gratitude in your community. Your donors will appreciate it, as will you as they become even more supportive in 2014!

What other creative ways have you found to thank donors? Share in the comments below and we’ll send you a sample board member call script as our own expression of thanks!