DBD Group Blog


Written by Mike Bussey | Dec. 11, 2017

Since its founding in 1878 and the subsequent opening of the landmark building in 1933, the Jerusalem International YMCA (JIY) has been unrelenting in its mission to bring peace to the land and glory to God.

It’s a commitment that has brought to Jerusalem’s diverse and historically contentious communities peaceful coexistence and a quality of life that allows people of all faiths to connect significantly to their faith, as well as to each other. It’s also a commitment that in 1993 resulted in JIY being nominated for the Noble Peace Prize.

In a city with a rich and complex history, places that are open and welcoming to all are few, but never have they been more needed. In the past week, as the city has experienced yet another period of unrest, this was the message JIY sent out to its supporters:

What can we say to our friends during such a volatile time? What can we say to our communities when some are celebrating and others are grieving, some are ecstatic and others angry?
We promise to remain a place for everyone.
We promise to remain yours… and yours… and yours…
We promise to welcome all who want to meet and get to know each other.
We promise to welcome those who are not yet ready to meet, but hope and will work towards a day when they will be.
We promise to continue to find ways of bringing them all together, if and when they are ready.
Though pre-school education, events, activities, art, music, drama and of course sports, we promise to continue to find ways of bringing everyone to the same place.
Come, help us foster and develop mutual respect and peaceful interaction between all Jerusalem communities.


Your local community may be as rife with conflict as Jerusalem, or it may be a much more peaceful place. But is your mission as vital, as urgent, as JIY’s? I believe that if you thought about the difference your church or school or nonprofit makes to people, you too could send a message to your supporters this holiday season that isn’t about fundraising goals or end-of-year tax benefits, but instead reinforces your promise to those you serve.

The holiday season in Jerusalem is as multi-layered as you might expect. At the JIY, the season is marked by a series of celebrations reflecting Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures. Perhaps these images offer a glimpse of what “bringing peace to the land” looks like today, and what it might look like in the future.


This Christmas season, may we all find ways to bring peace to our communities and Glory to God as we celebrate the birth of Christ.