DBD Group Blog


Written by Danny Maier | Nov. 4, 2014

Do you need to be an extravert to raise money? Everybody thinks so, but it that the truth?

Psychiatrist Carl Jung identified three personality types: introvert, extravert and a third: ambiverts. Like an ambidextrious person can comfortably use both their right and left hand, an ambivert is someone who is a mix of introvert and extravert.

Naturally, we think the outgoing, extravert personalities are great for sales and asking for money, but the truth is actually more nuanced.

A study of these three personalities types show that ambiverts are better at listening – a critical skill in fundraising. As the saying goes, “God gave you two ears and only one mouth – you need to listen twice as much as talk.

I have seen leaders of all three personality types successfully raise funds, but one practice all successful fundraisers have in common – good listening skills.

So next time a volunteer gives you that age-old excuse; “I’m not an extravert,” you can tell them, “Perfect – let’s go raise some money!”